Sunday, April 4, 2010

10. Stop-Motion and Pixelation

Chapter 8 in Furniss’s Art in Motion is all about stop-motion animation and the different techniques and elements that are associated with it. Will Vinton was the first American to trademark claymation. He became famous for his films Closed Mondays and The Great Cognito. He was also very famous for the commercials he did for with the California Raisins. Another animator that was very well known in the stop motion genre is Jiri Trnka. He became very well known for his film, The Hand, as well as his collaboration with Brestilav Pojar.

One related field that I have been interested in is the use of marionettes. This technique is different from stop-motion because it is not animation; it is actually filmed in real time. The book also talks about ‘super-marinonation’. This kind of marionation involves wires that control the movements of the puppets mouths to match the dialogue. It is also called ‘muppeteering’ which leads most people to think of Jim Henson’s muppet television series, Sesame Street. This of course eveolved into a very large franchise which spawned many movies such as A Muppet Family Christmas, The Great Muppet Caper, and many more.

Another part of the chapter that was particularly interesting for me was the section on pixelation. Pixelation is basically the exact same process as stop-motion with puppets, except it is using real people. I have seen many of these types of animations in commercials and other youtube videos, and it baffles me how hard it must be for the actor. I sure as hell could not hold my position for that long of a time. We actually watched a pixelation in class, Neighbours (1952) by Norman McClaren. I was very impressed with this animation because I seemed as though the movements were so fluid and quick. I can’t imagine how much patience those actors had to have had with McClaren. The Bolex Brothers are another pair that are known for pixelation. They said that they used pixelation because it was cheap. They didn’t have to pay for expensively made stop-motion puppets.


  1. I also think that pixelation stop motion is really impressive. For the films like the Neighbors, as you mentioned, for the animation to be so fluid the actors would have had to been on top of the game. I found just doing a simple stop motion with inanimate object frustrating, but to work with people and keep it that fluid is amazing.

  2. I was just thinking about what category Muppets and Seasame Street would fall under. Thank you for talking about them. You know when someone has done something inovative when they name the technique after them or their product. I also appreciate you bringing up Pixelation and Norman McClaren again. He was instantly a favorite of mine after I saw Neighbors last year and a lot of his other work is equally as entertaining.

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